Personal Investment Portfolios

Ready-made investment portfolios

Investments around the globe

Professional portfolio management

Through the Personal Investment Portfolios you get access to ready-made investment portfolios. You choose the investment strategy, e.g. the investment portfolio type, that better suits your needs, your financial situation and your investment profile. You enjoy the benefits of the professional management by the Eurobank Asset Management MFMC experts, a leader company in mutual funds management in the Greek market.

Get a personal portfolio through the secure e-Banking environment.

Make an investment

How the Personal Investment Portfolios help me

You invest according to your investment profile, while enjoying professional management, convenience and transparency.


Personal Investment Portfolios offer multiple benefits:

  • Professional management. Make the most of our team’s expertise.
  • Investments based on your profile. Choose ready-made investment portfolios that suit your needs, your financial situation and your investment goals.
  • Portfolio diversification. Through ready-made portfolios, you ensure risk diversification and therefore risk mitigation.
  • Fast and easy service. Easily start a portfolio, even with a small starting amount. You do not have to manage or monitor it yourself.
  • Full transparency. Get regular updates on the status of your portfolio. Enjoy full transparency in terms of portfolio management and transactions. 

How you invest your money

You invest in ready-made mutual fund portfolios, managed and monitored by Eurobank Asset Management MFMC.


Professional management

Eurobank Asset Management experienced asset managers manage the portfolios you invest in.

They develop the investment strategies, i.e. the investment portfolio types for each investment profile, and monitor them on a weekly basis:

  • Conservative – Low risk. In invests in bonds (30%-60%), cash (10%-50%), equities (10%-30%) and alternative investments (0%-20%).
  • Moderate – Medium risk, international market. It invests in bonds (20%-50%), equities (30%-50%), cash (0%-30%) and alternative investments (0%-20%).
  • Flexible – Medium risk, international market. It invests in equities (50%-70%), bonds (10%-30%), cash (0%-30%) and alternative investments (0%-20%).
  • Flexible Greek – Medium risk, Greek market. It invests in Greek equities (50%-70%), Greek bonds (10%-30%), cash (0%-30%) and alternative investments (0%-20%).
  • Dynamic – High risk, international market. It invests in equities (70%-90%), cash (0%-30%), bonds (0%-20%) and alternative investments (0%-20%).

These ready-made investment strategies achieve wide diversification, mitigating the investment risk.

Investment tailored to your profile

To choose an investment strategy, you first need to define your investment profile through our dedicated quiz.

Then, you can see all available investment strategies that suit your investment profile. You choose the investment strategy you think that better suits your needs, goals and financial situation, as well as the investment horizon you have set.

All available investment strategies entail an equivalent or lower risk than your investment profile. This way, we ensure that the investment strategy you choose suits your investment profile.

How to get access to Personal Investment Portfolios

You can get a personal portfolio, online or at a branch. For a joint portfolio, come to one of our branches.


Starting a personal portfolio:

To start a personal portfolio online through e-Banking, you should be a Greek tax resident.

If you don’t have e-Banking credentials, you can get them online with the number and PIN of a Eurobank debit or credit card, and the mobile number you’ve registered with Eurobank.

Otherwise, make an appointment at any Eurobank branch.

Starting a joint portfolio

To start a joint portfolio, all portfolio holders should come at a branch.

Make an appointment at any Eurobank branch to learn more and start a joint portfolio.

How to carry out transactions in your portfolio

You can choose and manage your personal or joint portfolios online through e-Banking.

Online transactions:

Through your e-Banking, you can carry out easy and secure online transactions: choose investment strategy, initial investment, additional investment, full or partial investment liquidation.

All portfolio holders of the joint portfolio have access and can carry out transactions. However, only the holder you set as a representative of the joint portfolio can choose the investment strategy.

Alternatively, you can carry out transactions at one of our branches.

Choose investment strategy

You choose between the available investment strategies. All of them match your investment profile.

You can change your investment strategy online or at one of our branches.

Additional investment

You can increase your holding in an existing portfolio, by carrying out an additional investment. The additional investment should be a minimum of €1,000.

Partial investment liquidation

You can liquidate part of your investment at any time, provided:

  • You liquidate a minimum of €1,000.
  • The value of your portfolio after the liquidation equals at least 10% of your initial investment. For example, if the initial investment was €5,000, after the liquidation the value of your portfolio must be at least €500.

Full investment liquidation

You can liquidate your investment at any time. There is no minimum holding period for your portfolio.

How you monitor your portfolio

You can monitor your portfolio through e-Banking as well as through the notifications we send you.


Round-the-clock monitoring

Through e-Banking you have access to your portfolios 24/7, to monitor the progress of your investments.

Updates every 3 months

Every 3 months you receive updates that include:

  • Detailed portfolio structure and value on the 1st and last working day of the previous calendar quarter.
  • Portfolio return since its launch, year to date and over the last quarter.
  • All transactions you carried out during the last calendar quarter.
  • The total amount of fees you paid during the last calendar quarter.

People often ask about Personal Investment Portfolios

What is the minimum investment amount?



Can I change the structure of the investment strategy I have chosen?


No. Only the administrator, i.e. Eurobank Asset Management MFMC can change the structure of the investment strategy.

What happens if the market conditions significantly change?

Eurobank Asset Management MFMC restructures all investment strategies, when this is considered necessary due to market conditions.

At the same time, we inform you immediately if the value of your portfolio reduces by 10% since the last regular.

Are there any fees?

You invest according to your investment profile, while enjoying professional management, convenience and transparency.


You pay a management fee every 3 months.

When the portfolio achieves positive returns, you also pay a performance fee.

See the fees of Personal Investment Portfolios services at the Banking Transactions Price List.

Invest through Personal Investment Portfolios

Get a personal portfolio through the secure e-Banking environment.

Make an investment

To start a joint portfolio, all portfolio holders should come to a branch. Make an appointment at one of our branches.